Tuesday, November 22, 2011

hot chocolate bar?

Seeing all of those cute little dessert and candy bar spreads that have become so popular at weddings just make me all happy and excited inside.  I'm probably the biggest sweet tooth you'll ever meet... always have been, always will be.  Ask any of my older sisters; they give me a hard time about it so they probably have some sort of crazy story to share with you about me and my sweets addiction.  I have such a strong memory of anytime my grandpa was visiting, he would give me a dollar or two for the "convenience store" to go get some candy.  Or of organizing my candy each year after Halloween to take inventory and see who wanted to make trades.  Or today how I'm pretty sure I ate at least 5 fun size candies.

Anyways friends, I digress.

The perfect bar spread for your winter wedding is a hot chocolate bar... don't you think?

And how dang cute and cozy are some of these ideas? 








I'd love to cozy up at a reception during the cold winter months with a cup of hot cocoa to warm me up and enjoy the festivities with.

Okay really more like a few cups of hot cocoa, but who would be counting?



  1. Can't wait for you to see the hot cocoa bar Simply Gourmet created at our latest wedding. We used many of those same pictures for inspiration!

  2. OH yes, I do have stories of your sweet tooth... I love this idea though, especially the marshmallows dipped in chocolate and rolled in candy cane pieces, this is an amazing idea for a inexpensive Christmas gift too! As always, great post, sis!

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