Monday, February 28, 2011

lots and lots of prezzies.

Talk about a cute gift table (couch??) display!

And look, there on the right hand side leaning up against the hutch.  There's a wedding tree guest book like I was so excited to tell you about awhile ago here.

DAH.  I love it.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

sunday's thwacks and shout-outs.

Dear friends, from here on out, I am dedicating Sunday posts to my thwacks and shout-outs from the previous week. I think you will get the hang of it once you start reading.

I know my childhood friends will appreciate this.  Love you Oregon GFs.

Thwack (verb) : to strike with, or as if with, something flat or heavy.
Shout-out (noun) : a public expression of gratitude or recognition.

1.) It snowed over a foot on Wednesday night in Spokane.  It is the end of February.  This should not be happening.  Period.

2.) My sister tagged me this week in this picture from a few years ago on FB.  How many chins does it look like I have?  Not exactly flattering.  Love ya too sis.

 3.) I came home from work on Tuesday and my pants zipper was down.  Awesome - I wonder how long it'd been like that?  I guess I'll never know. Thanks Moss friends for telling me.  Love you guys just as much as I love my sister.

4.) My husband now has the nasty cold that has been going around.  I made him sleep on the couch Thursday night.  I hate when we don't sleep in the same bed.  Which explains why I got only a few hours of sleep that night.  Which explains why I purchased a triple shot the next morning.

5.)  I went antiquing yesterday (see #6 below) and was meandering through one of those not-really-antiques-but-more-like-crap stores, and it was packed full of junk without a whole lot of space to move around.  My purse bumped a picture that was leaning up against a shelf.  The picture fell.  The glass shattered everywhere on the floor.  Ugh.  The owner came over and said "well that's one way to make a sale hahaha".  She was joking.  I did not find it funny, because I felt horrible.  Major fail.

1.) The husband was in charge of snacks for his master's program class on Wednesday night.  He went to the store to buy some bulk M&Ms to go along with the air popped popcorn we prepared (mm hmm, we're cheap).  He called me on his way out of the store freaking out because he accidentally bought $30 worth.  He has to use $15 of his monthly allowance to pay for that.  Why is this a shout-out?  Because I have chocolate for the next six months to feed my addiction.

2.) My friend Becky won a photo shoot giveaway on Friday for her cute little baby Ellie.  I am shouting out for her.

3.) I have been eyeing some Steve Madden boots for weeks now, but haven't wanted to spend the money to make them mine.  Last Sunday they were on super sale.  $25.  I could not pass it up.  Score. 

4.) My sister in law, Caitlin, left on her trip to Europe this week for a MONTH.  I am super excited for her!  Check out her blog here - I'm hoping she updates us while she's over there.

5.) The husband and I had pillow talk for two hours Friday night before we fell asleep - reminiscing about our t-ball, middle school, and high school days together.  I think I will remember this night with him for a long long time.  I loved it.  A lot.

6.) It's busy season at work (day job) right now, so technically I'm supposed to be working 6 days a week.  My boss asked me to pick one Saturday to take off this busy season, and it was yesterday.  The husband and I went antiquing and consignment shopping downtown in stores that we always say we want to explore, but just haven't yet.

We went to Fringe & Fray for the first time - and loved it!

Then we went to Sante's and sipped on coffee (hot chocolate for the husband) that looked like this:

And that had the cutest little salt and pepper shakers known to man.

Then we meandered over to the local Auntie's Book Store that's connected to Sante's, and looked around at (naturally) books in this section - WEDDINGS:

And we explored the new downtown co-op and natural foods store, Main Market.  We bought a baguette to snack on together while we explored:

We walked around a few other small clothing and antique stores in the area, but my favorite place of the day was most definitely Roost.  I have been dying to go here, and it did not disappoint!  They have THEE coolest vintage/antique home decor pieces.  I was in heaven and cannot wait to go back next time to find what new treasures they have:

There's something about discovering more about the local companies and their owners in my own town.  It instantly makes me feel more connected to the place I call home. 

After yesterday's adventure, I love Spokane even more than I did before.

Oh, also, I got to draw a winner for my first giveaway - see who won here!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

giveaway winner: Amy Butler tote.

Sooo remember this giveaway I posted about a month ago?  With this cute tote?

I know, how could you forget, right?

Well, we finally have a winner!  Commenter #14 is our lucky girl, who happens to be..


Tana, congratulations!  E mail me your favorite style of the three and get excited for your brand spakin new and adorable Amy Butler tote.

Friends, I shall have another giveaway soon.  Isn't this fun?? 

Happy Saturday.  I know mine has been happy.  I went antiquing and consignment shopping with the husband all day.  Will post more on that tomorrow.


Friday, February 25, 2011

cupcake in a jar.

I have a recent obsession with cupcakes.  I just want to go buy lots of these things here and make cupcakes for everybody and every occasion. With sprinkles on all of them.

First things first though, I need to learn how to work my oven - I always burn the bottoms.  Boo.

Anyhoo, let's step outside from the traditional cupcake a little.  How about cupcakes in a jar?  And not just any jar... a mason jar!  Instantly charming, right?

Uh yeah.  Sounds amazing to me too. 

Take a looksie.

*Photos via cakies blog.

I love that they are topped off with an adorable spoon and baker's twine!  

For step-by-step instructions, go here.

And as the label says - enjoy!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

honey stick.

Oh my, these remind me of my childhood.  And my sister, Kris, because she was obsessed with them when we were little chicklets.  She would always grab them sitting right at the check out stand at our local grocery store and stick them in dad's pile to buy. 

Please, please, please - add these to your candy table.  You must.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

neutral palette.

I'm usually drawn to lots of color - I have just about every color in the rainbow decorating my house, and my closet.  But for some reason I'm really drawn to this neutral palette today. 


And, nude colors are in this spring.  Perfect.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

farmer's market delight.

It's right around this time of year that I start complaining more about the weather. I love that I live in an area that gets touched by all four seasons, I truly appreciate that - I realize I should probably appreciate it more than I do.  But after 4 months of freezing temperatures, I'm so over winter.  So you can imagine my shrieking excitement when I woke up this morning to see more snow on the ground. Mmmhmm.

Correspondingly, it's right around this time of year that I start itching for that spring/summer feel.  You know what feeling I'm talking about.

I start thinking about garage sale-ing.

I start thinking about all of the weddings I get to attend.

I start thinking about all of the craft projects on my list to start creating.
(For example, this one here).  I can't wait to make something similar to go on my not-yet-purchased shelves for the living room.

I start thinking about planting my vegetable garden - what veggies will I try this year?

I start thinking about the warm sun kissing my skin - I forget what that feels like in the dead of winter. My husband calls me his little plant, because when the sun finally comes out you can't get me to come inside.  It's like I need the sun and warmth to survive.

I start thinking about farmer's markets.  I love the atmosphere, the freshness, the creativity, the camaraderie buddy feel - like we all belong to some club where we know we look after each other because we're choosing to buy local that day.

So when I came across these farmer's market-inspired pictures, I instantly got SO happy.

*Photos by Terra Dawn Photography via elizabeth anne designs

Everything from the wild flower bouquets, to the jars, to the old wooden crates, to the berries and veggies, to the hand written signs, everything, might have just given me just enough umph to get me through the remaining wintery days.

As long as there's not too many, that is.

Monday, February 21, 2011

yellow shoes.

I want these shoes for our photo shoot with Erich McVey this fall.

Wouldn't they go perfectly with this vintage-inspired Oscar de la Renta lace gown?

 *Photo via Oscar de la Renta

It's like they were made for each other.

Well, a girl can dream.  So I will continue to do just that.  

I suggest you do the same.


necklace LOVE.

Yes.  Love it.  Looks pretty easy to make.  Why not?


Saturday, February 19, 2011

say it via scrabble.

A sweets table is a fun little trend in the world of weddings right now, isn't it? 

If you've jumped on that bandwagon (I know I did!), consider these cute and creative table displays.

*Photos via Every Last Detail Wedding Blog


Friday, February 18, 2011

free vintage tandem bike wedding stationary.

I <3 bikes, especially tandem bikes.  A small part of that reason is because they're usually vintage looking.  I <3 vintage.  And vintage looking, I guess.

The main reason I <3 tandem bikes is because they are made for two. So in order to use the tandem bike in all of it's glory and all it was created to be, you have to have two people ride it.  If you ride it by yourself, it's just not right.

You have to ride it with someone.  Preferably, your loved one.

K, so now that we have that straightened out - don't you love this vintage bike stationary?

And even moreso - don't you love that it's free?  Brilliant!
*Photos via The Wedding Chicks

The free package includes:

  • Customized wedding invitation
  • Front and back rsvp cards
  • Large scale tandem bike to use for anything else you want - programs, table numbers, favors, anything
For instructions and to download your custom vintage tandem bike stationary, go to The Wedding Chicks blog here.

And make sure to check out all of their other incredible, printable, and free templates here.

If I could do my wedding all over again, there is a very good chance I would use these.

OH, also, I'm celebrating today because my best friend Jamie Porter's blog, found here, reached 100 followers today.
Congrats JP.  You're a champ.
